  bolder, boldest, boldly, boldness

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adjective, -er, bolder, boldest, boldly, boldness -est. 1. not hesitating or fearful in the face of actual or bolder, boldest, boldly, boldness possible danger or rebuff; courageous and daring: a bold hero . 2. not hesitating to break .

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In 2005, Maya Frost and her husband sold everything and left their suburban American lifestyle behind in order to have an adventure abroad. The tricky part: they had .

Mr. Jordan made a bold speech.

Using words which begin with b in a sentence . Using words which begin with "b" in a sentence Click on a word below, and a list of sentences using the word will be .

JIMMYB; Points: 8276; Join Date: Feb 7, 2007; Status: offline Chinese girls are the most open minded and boldest in the world?

Tess Marshall writes a great article for CYT on how to boldly live your life out loud.

Wordbyletter purpose a crosswords solver. You can search english words that ending with . or starting with . Very usefull for lettergames addicts or song writers.

aa. ab. ad. ae. ag. ah. ai. al. am. an. ar. as. at. aw. ax. ay. ba. be. bi. bo. by. de. do. ed. ef. eh. el. em. en. er. es. et. ex. fa. go. ha. he. hi. hm. ho. id. if .

A free online Talking English Pronunciation Dictionary - simply mouse over your entry to hear it pronounced. American and British spellings, with alternative .

Please wait. We are searching the Open Source Shakespeare database for your request. Searches usually take 1-30 seconds. Our doubts are traitors,

bold (b ld) adj. bold�er, bold�est. 1. Fearless and daring; courageous. 2. Requiring or exhibiting courage and bravery. See Synonyms at brave. 3. Unduly forward and .

This is not a dictionary, it's a word game wordfinder. Help and FAQ - Examples - Home

Mr. Jordan made a bold speech.

bold�face (b ld f s) Abbr. bf Printing. n. Type with thick heavy lines. adj. Printed in
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